Art is kind of a big deal in Columbus! Home to a host of art galleries, large and small, you can now…
The Bo Bartlett Center houses and displays The Scarborough Collection: 14 monumental paintings by…
The Columbus Ballet is a non-profit pre-professional youth ballet that provides performance and…
As an American art and regional history museum, and the second largest art museum in Georgia, the…
Columbus State University's College of the Arts is comprised of three beautiful venues, all of which…
The Columbus Symphony Orchestra, founded in 1855, is the second orchestra founded in the nation. The…
Attend one of the 6 to 8 annual exhibitions presented by the Norman Shannon and Emmy Lou P. Illges…
The Columbus State University Department of Theatre's Riverside Theatre Complex houses three…
Columbus State Univeristy's Schwob School of Music hosts many events throughout the year, with many…
The Norman Shannon and Emmy Lou P. Illges Gallery is located in the Corn Center for the Visual Arts…
Port Columbus is the only museum in the world dedicated to telling the complete Naval story of the…
The National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center, voted USA Today’s Best Free Museum and one…
An internationally recognized Visionary Art Environment, Pasaquan is truly a one-of-a-kind hidden…
The centerpiece of the city’s new arts and entertainment district.
The State Theatre of Georgia and a leading Southern cultural institution for 150 years.
The Do Good Fund, Inc. houses and displays The Do Good Fund Collection, a museum quality collection…
The Youth Orchestra of Greater Columbus (YOGC) was formed in May of 1993, by Lynn Whiddon and…