The Ultimate Dream Vacation

I was thinking about vacations today and what my ultimate dream vacation would be. Sure, I want to go to exotic places, meet interesting people and savor wonderful new flavors. Of course, I would love to travel to the four corners of the earth and experience new cultures. But when I think about "dream" vacations, I realize that I actually dream about the beach that I've visited too many times to count and lounge on at least three times a year. Another popular setting for my dreams is the tiny cabin in the mountains that has been my home away from home for a week every year since I was 8 years old. And I usually wake up from these dreams with a smile on my face. These are the vacations that have shaped my life. Yes, I have unforgettable memories from trips to far off places where I didn't even understand the native language and pictures from places that I'll probably never get back to again. But it's the places that I choose to return to year after year, time after time that are the featured stars in my dreams. So the ultimate dream vacation is different for everyone. Some may just want a week off of work to not leave their house. Others may want to take a road trip across the country. But the truth is, many people are over-worked and suffer from severe time poverty so vacations remain a dream. I say make it a reality. 



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