Rain, Rain, Go Away!  It’s the weekend and it’s time to play!

So here's my theory.  The rain got here earlier than expected, so I'm guessing that means it will move out of here earler, too...right?  Let's hope so because, as usual in the Spring, there is a truckload of events to get out and enjoy this weekend.  Have you taken a look at the Event Calendar to see what's on tap?  To help get me through Hump Day, I usually start off Wednesdays by taking a look at this calendar and I start making weekend plans in my head.  Hey, a girl can dream.  But when there's so many activities to choose from, you need to get a head start!  Just take a look at this weekend.  Choices range from James and the Giant Peach at the Springer Opera House, the Annual Plant Fair and Sale at Callaway Gardens, more plant workshops at Columbus Botanical Garden, a MAD Science event at the Coca-Cola Space Science Center, a Veteran's Run on the RiverWalk...and the list goes on.  See, this is why I check out that Event Calendar and start making my weekend plans on Wednesday!

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