Longest. Monday. In. History.  Looking forward to the weekend already!

Call me crazy...and believe me...it wouldn't be the first time, but does it seem like this has been one of the longest, most never-ending Monday's in the history of Monday's?  Is it so wrong that I'm already trying to bribe myself to just make it through the week, then we can have a little fun on Friday night?  Hey, you do what you've got to do to keep going!  So how about this, remind yourself that it's a short week (hopefully you'll be off on New Year's Day) then start making plans for a night out on Friday with some incredible jazz music at The Loft.  And with a band scheduled to play called The Dr. of Funk--Kevin Vannoy and Friends, you know it's going to be good. These guys will be onstage from 7:00-9:00pm.  And did I mention there's no admission?  You had me at Free.  Now, hurry up Friday.


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