Festive Fun Fall Frivolity…in Columbus, GA!

I've been waiting patiently for months to use that word "frivolity" because that's a word that be difficult to work into a conversation...unless it's really warranted.  After taking a look at the Event Calendar this afternoon to see what sort of offerings there might be for this first full weekend of Fall, that's the word that came straight to mind and sort of sums it all up!  There aren't many places in this universe that can offer anything from a Top 20 Event in the Southeast--the Cotton Pickin' Fair, to a Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre (and you could be the culprit!), a Dulcimer Jam at FDR State Park, the 7th Annual Sci-Fi Con at the Coca-Cola Space Science Center, and even have a Picnic with the Tortoises at Oxbow Meadows!  Time to start making those weekend plans in Columbus, GA!!


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