Back to School Already?!

Not having kids, I kind of lose track of these things, so it wasn't until last night that I realized school's already starting back!  Wow, what happened to summer?  And it seems like when school is back in session, we look forward to weekends even more.  Maybe it would be nice to give your kids something special to look forward know, to take the sting out of the Back to School Blues.  A quick check of the Event Calendar and you'll find there's quite a bit to choose from, too.

The Columbus Museum has a brand new family program they're kicking off called "Second Saturdays."  You can visit the Art Cart and try your hand at creating your own Andy Warhol-inspired print and even hear a reading from a book written by his nephew.  And did I mention, this is absolutely free?!

Or, for just a buck, your kids can check out the Reading Club at Oxbow Meadows on Saturday morning.  And hey, if feel like they've done enough reading for one week, they might just enjoy seeing baby alligators, Athena the big python, or the bees busy buzzing in the hive making honey.  It's just such a cool place...even for us big kids.

Don't forget you can find out more at the Event Calendar...never too early to start planning some fun for the weekend!

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