Springer Opera House Moving to Top-Tier of American Theatre Companies

May 23, 2024


May 23, 2024


Contact: Jhai James, Marketing Manager

(706) 256-3486



 Springer Opera House Moving to Top-tier of 

American Theatre Companies



  • $10.7 million campaign will include a downtown theatre park, education expansion, production technology and historic preservation work
  • 80 percent of goal already pledged
  • Public phase will help the Springer “finish strong”


(Columbus, Ga.) - For the past year, the Springer Opera House has quietly prepared for a transformational investment in its future designed to propel the State Theatre of Georgia into the top ranks of American theatre.

The "quiet phase" of the Springer's $10.7 million capital campaign has already exceeded 80% of its goal. It now moves to the public phase to help secure the remainder. The Forever Springer campaign will fund various initiatives intended to serve more citizens, beautify downtown Columbus, preserve the National Historic Landmark, upgrade education facilities, and promote the Springer brand nationwide.

"Over the years, this community has been incredibly generous to the Springer, and that has allowed us to build Georgia's second-largest theatre audience and one of the nation's most admired children's programs," said Forever Springer campaign co-chair Frank Schley. "Now it's time for the State Theatre of Georgia to take its place among the top tier of American theatre companies. We are very close to our goal but need Springer-lovers everywhere to help us finish strong."


The "PATIO" Theatre Park

The Springer will transform the surface parking lot on the corner of Tenth Street and Second Avenue into a beautiful park with an outdoor stage. Envisioned as a downtown oasis, the theatre park will feature tree canopies, park benches, and greenspaces that will provide an escape from the urban hubbub. Local college students, judicial center workers, shoppers, and residential neighbors can enjoy a lunchtime break or simply find a quiet place to read and rest. The park will include a fully rigged theatre capable of featuring outdoor music events, religious services, films, plays, dance, weddings, community festivals, farmers markets, and parties. While the Springer will program occasional events in the theatre park, the vision is to establish an event space allowing citizens, music promoters, and other organizations access the facility for their own programs. The Springer calls it the "PATIO," an acronym for Pierce Anderson Theatre In the Outdoors, named in honor of longtime producing artistic director Paul Pierce, who recently retired after 35 years, and the late Ron Anderson, the beloved founder of the Springer Theatre Academy.

Historic Preservation

Although the Springer is a working theatre company that produces professional stage entertainment and education programs, the 153-year-old theatre is also a fragile National Historic Landmark and the official State Theatre of Georgia. Preserving and protecting such a national treasure is a huge part of the Springer's mission. However, the cost of preservation puts pressure on the artistic and education programs to generate enough profit to pay for repair and maintenance expenses, preventing the theatre from reinvesting in its artistic programs. The Forever Springer campaign allows for the creation of a new Restoration Fund designed to grow over time and protect the landmark far into the future. Additionally, the campaign provides for immediate and urgent repairs and upgrades. This restoration funding will allow the theatre's plays and musicals to pay for themselves with profits reinvested in program excellence.


The Springer's range of education services is vast and growing every year. The program's centerpiece is the Springer Theatre Academy, which teaches "Life Skills Through Stage Skills" aimed at character-building and leadership development for children. There are over a thousand registrations annually in the Academy with a robust scholarship program to help families for whom tuition might be a barrier. The Forever Springer campaign will provide upgrades to its nine classrooms, including video, audio, acoustic elements, security, roofing, drainage, HVAC, and flooring improvements.

In addition to the Springer Children's Theatre, a recent new program called Theatre for the Very Young serves children ages 0-5 and aims to provide tiny audiences and their parents with an informal, interactive theatre experience. The Forever Springer campaign will allow Theatre for the Very Young shows to be free of charge to all.

PAIR is the Springer's Professional Arts Integration Resource program which partners with schools and teachers to provide skills that integrate drama, music, dance, and visual art into traditional instruction in science, math, history, reading, and social studies. PAIR seeks to boost student achievement, improve attendance, reduce office referrals, and improve teacher retention. PAIR will receive expanded and upgraded training spaces, equipment, and instructional materials.

The Springer's Arts-in-Education program buses school children into the National Historic Landmark theatre for plays, musicals, and children's events. Annually, more than 15,000 children have a Springer arts-in-education experience and 80% are enrolled in Title I schools. The Forever Springer campaign will help underwrite the cost of this program so that every school can afford the experience. 

"With this Forever Springer campaign, the entire Springer operation will be supercharged, setting the stage for a great leap forward for our theatre, our audiences, and our community," said CEO and executive producer Danielle Varner. "These new investments are aimed at expanding our audiences and vastly enhancing the audience experience. After many years of preparation, the Springer is now making its move."

For more information on the Forever Springer Capital Campaign, visit springeroperahouse.org/foreverspringer or call (706) 256-0953.


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